Annual General Assembly of SEC

SEC - Chamber of Commerce Switzerland – Central Europe had its 16th General Assembly on 24th March 2015 in Stans. Members, ambassadors and guests were presented with the annual report of activities and financial report 2014 as well as the draft action plan and budget for 2015. Some of the representatives of Cental European Chambers were asked to introduce in short their chambers. The Swiss-Slovak Chamber of Commerce has been presented by its president, Mr Zsolt Kajtor.

The guests enjoyed a valuable and informative speech „Switzerland in Global Competition of Locations“ by president of economiesuisse, Mr Heinz Karrer.

Mr Markus Bucher, the host and CEO of Pilatus Flugwerke AG ( introduced his mostly interesting and from the economy point of view, very successful company. The participants had a chance to see a short promo movie on the company and visit the plant.


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