Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Swiss-Slovak Chamber of Commerce took place in the EMM, s.r.o. premises on 19th March 2015. Except for the members, the ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to Slovakia, H.E. Alexander Wittwer, took part in the meeting and he also addressed the member in a short speech.

The AGM approved the annual report of activities as well as the financial report 2014. The members got acquiented with the draft plan of activities and the draft budget for 2015. Both documents have been accepted and approved in voting.

The AGM accepted Mr Timotej Braxator (Senior Consultants, s.r.o.) as a new member of the executive board of HSSR.

Mrs Maria Schill, who hold the post of HSSR president for many years, received thanks for her work done and congratulations on her jubilee.


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